This month has been really hectict and a lot of fun. At the moment I am in Sweden, during my winter break. Its nice to chill for a while, Ive been working at Shell every single day this last week to make up for all the money Ive been spending lately. One of my work buddies from a few years ago recently was promoted, and is now the boss at one of the gas stations I work at,(yes I work at 2 now)so its been fun working with him again.
As far as my title goes, here is why this month has been travelling month:
5 weeks ago- weekend trip to sweden, quality time with André :)
4 weeks ago- Boat trip to Denmark with shell
2 weeks ago- Boat trip with my school to Newcastle, England. Gotta love the british!
Now - Back to sweden, chilling out with André and friends for a week
Tuesday- Going straight to Berlin, Germany for a class study trip thingy, to visit museums and galleries and such.
Good thing I love travelling so much.. Except that I am a little short on cash, and my web-project money hasnt come in yet.
so, thats whats up with me.
Its been a while since my last post, so I thought I should be updating :)
and.. isnt this a cute picture!