I was in Croatia this summer, visiting Juliana Rosic. She is an awesome girl, and we had a ton of fun. To name a few examples, we accidently appeared in Italy, we were swimming in the streets during an unbelievable rainstorm, and we founded a Barbershop Band. We cruised Venice (including charging through the streets at night to catch our train) and we were interviewed on tv about some random Korean Pop Star! Here are some of our unforgettable moments...

After surviving the craziest rainstorm I have ever witnessed, our tent was still standing, and we decided to hitchhike to Italy, with Amanda and Jim.

A picture from verona, Italy, the place were Romeo and Juliet supposedly was from. Even though they never existed...

I dont know whats up with this pose, but appearantly this is the way I jump off diving boards.

We went to a museum to see a mummy that some dude picked up in egypt, and then gave to his girlfriend in Zagreb a couple of hundred years ago. Pretty romantic gift I must say...

My digital camera is waterproof. Its a sweet deal, and Juls is totally pulling off the Im-smiling-under-water-because-this-is-such-a-natural-environment-for-me-to-be-smiling-in-look.

We had a couple of sunny beach days too. The water was lovely!