Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The Main Crew

Here´s a picture of my boyfriend. He´d be a great hip hoper, if he tried... This was a fun day, we went hiking in the rain, and we found this barrel along the way.

Probably the sweetest smile in the world. What can I say... this picture just makes me happy!

Maria and André came to visit. A great weekend that was! Here's the crew, Daniel holding the Norwegian pride, The Cheese Slicer.


Andrew York said...

Mari! Hey, looking good - man, some of those pics made me miss Norway... especially when I saw the cheese slicer (thank you Norway, thank you so much)... talk to you soon.

Group 6 said...

hey sport, oh how I miss the way (norway that is). Your boyfriend looks alot like his brother. I'll add you to my links too, as for you doing links, i will e-mail you the html code. one love.

CMom said...

Ok, I'm not spam..and I really DID stumble on your blog when I hit "next blog" on the top right corner of the screen. I like the pictures. The first one, in the barrel, would look great in a frame! just thought i'd leave a comment.

Anonymous said...

What a nice blg. Working in hell 50 hours a week?11 ooaaoo... who are u actually. Where did u find such handsome the beach?!!...the guy with the smile, he sure is handsome..I love him too

Group 6 said...

by the way, i was checkin your old posts and in this picture where daniel is holding the cheese slicer, he looks so much like Halvard, maybe it's just me, but anyway...