After surviving the craziest rainstorm I have ever witnessed, our tent was still standing, and we decided to hitchhike to Italy, with Amanda and Jim.

A picture from verona, Italy, the place were Romeo and Juliet supposedly was from. Even though they never existed...

I dont know whats up with this pose, but appearantly this is the way I jump off diving boards.

We went to a museum to see a mummy that some dude picked up in egypt, and then gave to his girlfriend in Zagreb a couple of hundred years ago. Pretty romantic gift I must say...

My digital camera is waterproof. Its a sweet deal, and Juls is totally pulling off the Im-smiling-under-water-because-this-is-such-a-natural-environment-for-me-to-be-smiling-in-look.

We had a couple of sunny beach days too. The water was lovely!
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