Today we learned how to make good portrait shots in a studio. And heres my study group. I just thought the picture was funny, cause we look like some weird band, with all our different styles, kinda like the spice girls, only mixed. You can categorize our looks if you like, but i dont really know what role I fit into... But hey, I'll be the lead singer!
By the way, this is a link to my school(Oh yeah, and if you click on the image, it is really huge, cause i didnt take time to shrink it, but you could always use it as a wallpaper... for your living room)
Hey, I love the picture, so I went ahead and used it as wallpaper (like you said) for my living room to suprise my parents - unfortunately they were not too happy about it... thanks for the advice.
ps - I'm going to link you now - you should consider doing the same for me!
I noticed you already have me linked - so now I feel stupid... my parents are mad because of the wallpaper, and now I've got you all excited thinking that multiple people have left you comments... alright see ya!
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